Results for 'Y. Sh Zhursinbek'

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  1.  19
    The Concept of Building a Network of Digital Twins to Increase the Efficiency of Complex Telecommunication Systems.Sh Zh Seilov, А. T. Kuzbayev, A. A. Seilov, D. S. Shyngisov, V. Yu Goikhman, A. K. Levakov, N. A. Sokolov & Y. Sh Zhursinbek - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    The technical literature actively discusses ideas for creating digital twins to solve a wide range of problems that arise for enterprises of various kinds. Advances in the areas of information technology and the development of the necessary software really make it possible to obtain important new results through the creation of digital twins. This paper proposes the concept of building a network of digital twins, used to solve a number of actual problems in complex telecommunication systems. Two applications are considered (...)
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  2. Sefer Śiaḥ ha-śadeh.Sh Y. Ḥben Y. Y. Ḳanevsḳi - 1968
    [1] Sefer Orḥot Ḥayim leha-Rosh ʻim beʼur "ha-Shem orḥotenu" ... 2. Ḳunṭres Be-Shaʻar ha-melekh ʻal haḳdamat ha-Rambam, kolel tsiyunim u-meḳorim u-veʼurim be-divre ha-Rambam ṿeha-Raʼabad ... 3. Ḳunṭres Tashlum yefeh ʻenayim ʻal Seder Zeraʻim u-Ṭehorot, ʻeduyot, Tamid, Midot, Ḳenim ṿe-ʻod ṿe-hu tsiyunim ʻal mas. elu mi-Yerushalmi u-midrashim ... 4. Ḳunṭres Marʼot maḳom, ṿe-hu tsiyunim ʻal ha-meḳomot she-Rashi ṿe-Tos. meviʼim mirdrash o Yerushalmi ṿe-Tosefta ṿe-khu. ṿe-lo tsuyan meḳoro ... 5. Ḳunṭres Ṭeʻama de-ḳara, ṿe-hu ḳetsat ḥidushim ʻal ha-Torah ṿe-ʻal Neviʼim u-Khetuvim -- ḥeleḳ (...)
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  3. Ḳunṭres Minḥat todah: Torah.Sh Y. Ḥ. Ben Y. Y. Ḳanevsḳi - 2013 - [Bene-Beraḳ]: [Honigsberg].
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  4. Barukh Shpinoza: zayn filozofye, Bibel-ḳriṭiḳ, shṭoṭslehre un zayn bedayṭung in der enṭṿiḳlung fun menshlikhen denḳen.Sh Y. Sṭupnitsḳi - 1917 - Ṿarsha: Ferlag "Yudish".
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  5. al-Waḥy wa-al-ẓāhirah al-Qurʼānīyah.ʻAbd al-Karīm Surūsh & Ḥaydar Ḥubb Allāh (eds.) - 2012 - Bayrūt: Markaz al-Buḥūth al-Muʻāṣirah.
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  6. Sefer Torat Yiśraʼel saba: midreshe Ḥazal nivḥarim meturgamim le-Idish ʻim beʼurim u-firḳe hashḳafah bi-yesodot ha-emunah ṿe-torat ha-midot asher radah devash mi-torat rabo ha-ḳ. ṿeha-ṭ. mi-Saṭmar, z.y. ʻa.Aleksander Sender Daiṭsh - 2014 - [Bruḳlin, N.Y.]: [Shemuʼel Aharon Daiṭsh]. Edited by S. A. Deutsch.
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    A characterization of the Δ⁰₂ hyperhyperimmune sets.Roland Sh Omanadze & Andrea Sorbi - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1407-1415.
    Let A be an infinite Δ₂⁰ set and let K be creative: we show that K≤Q A if and only if K≤Q₁ A. (Here ≤Q denotes Q-reducibility, and ≤Q₁ is the subreducibility of ≤Q obtained by requesting that Q-reducibility be provided by a computable function f such that Wf(x)∩ Wf(y)=∅, if x \not= y.) Using this result we prove that A is hyperhyperimmune if and only if no Δ⁰₂ subset B of A is s-complete, i.e., there is no Δ⁰₂ subset (...)
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  8. Sefer Osef mikhtavim: ṿe-hem divre ḥizuḳ ṿe-hitʻorerut... ʻetsot yesharot ṿe-hadrakhot be-ʻavodat ha-Sh. Yit. ben adam la-maḳom u-ven adam la-ḥavero, be-derekh ha-Tor. ha-ḳ. ha-mesurah lanu mi-dor dor..Y. M. Shekhṭer - 2015 - [Brooklyn, NY]: Alṭer Shemuʼel Sṭefansḳi. Edited by Betsalʼel Fridman & S. Stefansky.
    -- -- ḫelek 2. Mikhtav 73-mikhtav 143 -- ḫelek 3. Mikhtav 144-mikhtav 206 --.
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    De la igualdad formal a la diversidad. Una perspectiva étnica latinoamericana.Marcela Lagarde Y. De los Ríos - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:57-79.
    This article ana l yses the birth of some n e w female identities in Latin America, mar k e d b y strong cultural inn o v ation. The process of change has been w on b y political st r uggles that h a v e pe r mitted Latin American w omen to g ain some essential rights. More o v er the t e x t describes the compl e xity of syncretising all Lati n America, (...)
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  10. Leon Pinsker’s Proto-Zionist Pamphlet Autoemancipation! in Sh. Y. Abramovitsh’s Skeptical Yiddish Reworking.Miha Marek - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Leon Pinsker’s pamphlet Autoemancipation! (1882), a seminal text of early Jewish nationalism, arguably established Zionism as a movement functioning in the German language. Soon after its publication, the renowned Yiddish writer Sh. Y. Abramovitch produced a Yiddish language version (1884). Abramovitsh’s rendering is above all an adaptation of German or Western European political and cultural concepts and vocabulary to the Jewish, Eastern European Yiddish-speaking milieu, with changes in vocabulary, rhetorical strategies, and cultural references. Abramovitsh reworked the pamphlet according to his (...)
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  11. Tanya Igeret ha-teshuvah: ʻim beʾure ha-Rabi Mi-Lyubaṿiṭsh, z.y.ʻa.Shneur Zalman - 2009 - Kefar Habad: Maʻyanotekha. Edited by Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
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    Über die funktionen, die die gesetzmässige entwicklung der gärungspilze (saccharomyces spec.) Ausdrücken und zusammenfassung anderer resultate.Franz Kövessi - 1938 - Acta Biotheoretica 4 (2):97-110.
    Author continues the publication which appeared in the Acta Biotheoretica I, p. 113–132, regarding his results obtained in course of research work on superior plants:Picea excelsa trees, and furthermore on unicellular living beings, namely yeast cells . Author made a pure culture with the unicellular culture method, and by occasional inoculation produced successors therefrom. He established the progress in development by measuring, according to weight, the CO2 which arose in course of life. The ontogenetic course of development of the original (...)
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  13. EL DERECHO HUMANO FUNDAMENTAL AL NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL: HACIA LA REALIZACIÓN EFECTIVA DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS (2nd edition).Jesus Enrrique Caldera-Ynfante - 2020 - Anales de Ciencias Jurídicas 1 (Dignidad humana, derechos humano):58-137.
    Se define el derecho fundamental al Nuevo Orden Mundial (NOM),consagrado en el artículo 28 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (DUDH/ONU, 1948), como categoría jurídico dogmática, desde una dimensión ética y humanista, concebido como la facultad o prerrogativa convencional estatuida en función de la `realización efectiva´ de los derechos humanos (DDHH) y la felicidad de la persona humana, asumido como medio y fin para la plena materialización de su proyecto de vida valioso, elegido de manera libre y autónoma, (...)
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    Political and moral concepts in the Śāntiparvan of the Mahābhārata.Y. S. Walimbe - 1990 - Delhi, India: Ajanta Books International.
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    Temperature dependence of the structure of liquid mercury up to 250°C.Y. Waseda, K. Yokoyama & K. Suzuki - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (6):1427-1430.
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    The structure of rare earth metals in the liquid state.Y. Waseda & S. Tamaki - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (1):1-8.
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    Creep behaviour in a discontinuous SiC–Zn-22% Al composite.Y. Xun & F. A. Mohamed * - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (24):2767-2785.
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  18. Filosofía de la ley según santo Tomás de Aquino..Carreras Y. Arañó & Juan[From Old Catalog] - 1919 - Madrid,: Editorial Reus (s. a.).
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  19. Obispado Castrense de Colombia, Colombia. Una ética para la paz desde la perspectiva cristiana.Área Jovenes Educación Y. Cultura, Obispado Castrense de Colombia, Juan Andrés Vargas Molina & Presbítero Obispado Castrense de Colombia - 2014 - In Javier Fernández Leal, S. Contreras & Jorge Orlando (eds.), Los retos éticos de las fuerzas militares. Medellín, Colombia: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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    Modern Dönem Nesih Tartışmaları ve İbn Kesîr’in Neshe Yaklaşımı.Melek Yılmaz - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):349-349.
    Abrogation (naskh) is one of the controversial themes of Islamic studies, especially in later period that of principle of exegesis (uṣūl al-tafsīr). However, the recent studies on abrogation (naskh) do not offer a comprehensive analysis on the concept. In fact, the problem of naskh (abrogation) is in need of a systematic and holistic approach, which would only be possible with a detailed study on how the concept of abrogation (naskh) is understood in Islamic interpretive tradition (tafsīr). With this purpose in (...)
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  21. La responsabilidad profesional del médico.Royo Villanova Y. Morales & Ricardo[From Old Catalog] - 1958 - Madrid,: Editorial Cultura Clásica y Moderna.
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  22. Apocalypse of the therapeutic: The cabin in the woods and the death of mimetic desire.Peter Y. Paik - 2015 - In Scott Cowdell, Chris Fleming & Joel Hodge (eds.), Mimesis, movies, and media. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  23. Teoría del conocimiento.Montes de Oca Y. Silva & José[From Old Catalog] - 1949 - México: [Departamento de Extensión Universitaria].
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    Detection of material property errors in handbooks and databases using artificial neural networks with hidden correlations.Y. M. Zhang, J. R. G. Evans & S. F. Yang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (33):4453-4474.
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    Lógica de la libertad.Francisco Rivera Y. Pastor - 1918 - Madrid,: F. Beltrán.
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    Thermal analysis and infrared study of Nb2O5–TeO2glasses.Y. B. Saddeek, E. R. Shaaban, F. M. Abdel-Rahim & K. H. Mahmoud - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (25):3059-3073.
  27. Dos cartas inéditas de Francisco de Vitoria sobre los escrúpulos.E. Zaragoza Y. Pascual - 1990 - Ciencia Tomista 117 (2):341-346.
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  28. Hobbes and the method of natural science.Y. C. Zark - 1996 - In Tom Sorell (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  29.  16
    Metrization of the Uniform Space and Effective Convergence.Y. Tsujii, T. Mori & M. Yasugi - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (S1):123-130.
    The subject of the present article is the following fact. Consider an effective uniform space. A generally constructed metric from the uniformity has the property that a sequence from the space effectively converges with respect to the uniform topology if and only if it does with respect to the induced metric. This can be shown without assuming the computability of the metric.
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  30. Cartas e Elpidio sobre la impiedad.Félix Varela Y. Morales - 1944 - [Habana]: Universidad de la Habana. Edited by Piñera Llera, Humberto & [From Old Catalog].
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  31. Las nacionalidades.Francisco Pí Y. Margall - 1979 - Barcelona: Producciones Editoriales.
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    Controlling variables eliminates hemianopsia rehabilitation results.Paul Bach-Y.-Rita - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):448.
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    Hippocratic Beneficence: The Ethical Grounding of Remedial Germline Editing.Eli Y. Adashi & I. Glenn Cohen - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-3.
    Heritable monogenic maladies, the byproduct of single gene mutations, comprise a broad range of over 10,000 inborn afflictions (OMIM® 2023). Some of the more common monogenic disorders in question...
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  34. How Might the Gear of Hegel' State of Wagon Turn with the Hand of Habermas in Modernity?Orkun Yılmaz - 2021 - Arete Political Philosophy Journal 1 (1):55-71.
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  35. Moral profesional del periodista.Luis Y. Díaz & Francisco de[From Old Catalog] - 1952 - Madrid,:
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  36. Máximas de moral médica.Arce Y. Luque & José de[From Old Catalog] - 1931 - Masnou,: Tipografía de los Laboratorios del Norte de España.
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    The vision of vegetarianism and peace: Rabbi Kook on the ethical treatment of animals.Y. Michael Barilan - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (4):69-101.
    Rabbi HaCohen Kook’s essay on vegetarianism and peace, first published in instalments in 1903–4, and reissued 60 years later, is the only treatise in rabbinic Judaism on the relationship between humans and animals. It is here examined as central to his ethical beliefs. His writings, shaped by his background as rabbi and mystic, illuminate the history of environmental and applied ethics. A century ago, he perceived the main challenge that confronts reform movements: multiculturalism.
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  38. Who is afraid of disjunctive concepts-case study in genesis of pseudo-problems.Y. Barhille & R. R. Eiferman - 1970 - Foundations of Language 6 (4):463.
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    El Dios-secreto de Ibn Sina.Miquel Beltrán Y. Cesc Torvá - 2000 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 27:5-12.
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    Seeing with the brain.Paul Bach-Y.-Rita, Mitchell Tyler & Kurt Kaczamarek - 2003 - International Journal Of Human-Computer Interaction 15 (2):285-295.
  41. The Two-State Vector Formalism of Quantum Mechanics: an Updated Review.Y. Aharonov & L. Vaidman - 2008 - In J. G. Muga, R. Sala Mayato & I. L. Egusquiza (eds.), \em Time in Quantum Mechanics. Springer. pp. 397-447.
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  42. Entre ficciones y subversiones: repensando los cuerpor sexuados y generizados.Valentina Gómez Sóñora Y. Laura Recalde Burgueño - 2018 - In Emilia Calisto Echeveste (ed.), Trashumancias: búsquedas teóricas feministas sobre cuerpo y sexualidad. Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República, Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica.
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    HAADF–STEM study of B–Mg–Ru approximant crystals.Y. Miyazaki, J. T. Okada, E. Abe & K. Kimura - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (13-15):1935-1940.
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    La estética y el arte moderno.García de la Torre & G. Y. José Manuel - 1977 - Madrid: Centro de Información para Médicos.
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  45. Construcción social y disciplinar de la noción de desarrollo.Francisco Herrera Tapia Y. Cristina Chávez Mejía - 2013 - In Felipe González Ortiz, Eduardo Aguado López & Francisco Herrera Tapia (eds.), Escalas del conocimiento: las formas de construcción del objeto en las disciplinas sociales. Toluca, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
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  46. Compresión y expansión en Atonement (novela y filme).Raquel Gutiérrez Estúpiñan [Y.] Alan Paul Vergara Vallejo - 2021 - In Raquel Gutiérrez Estupiñán, Jaime Villarreal & Miguel Sáenz (eds.), Encuadres del discurso cinematográfico. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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    John Dewey’s Philosophy of Value.Y. H. Krikorian - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (2):292-293.
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  48. Nuevos roles para propiedades Y relaciones en la estructura de Una analogía signos filosóficos, Julio-diciembre, año/vol. VIII, número 016 universidad autónoma metropolitana-iztapalapa distrito federal, méxico.Uevos Roles Para Propiedades Y. Relaciones - 2006 - Signos Filosóficos 8 (16).
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  49. Les textos y el estudio de la cultura.Gustavo Garduño Oropeza Y. María Fernanda Zúñiga Roca - 2013 - In Felipe González Ortiz, Eduardo Aguado López & Francisco Herrera Tapia (eds.), Escalas del conocimiento: las formas de construcción del objeto en las disciplinas sociales. Toluca, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
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    Historia de la filosofía española.Carreras Y. Artau - 1939 - Madrid,: Real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales. Edited by Joaquín Carreras Y. Artau & Adolfo Bonilla Y. San Martín.
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